Functional inference and training of surrogate models for computational science.

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Fiats: Functional inference and training for surrogates

Alternatively, Fortran inference and training for science.

Overview | Getting Started | Documentation


Fiats supports research on the training and deployment of neural-network surrogate models for computational science. Fiats also provides a platform for exploring and advancing the native parallel programming features of Fortran 2023 in the context of deep learning. The design of Fiats centers around functional programming patterns that facilitate concurrency, including loop-level parallelism via the do concurrent construct and Single-Program, Multiple Data (SMPD) parallelism via "multi-image" (e.g., multithreaded or multiprocess) execution. Towards these ends,

  • Most Fiats procedures are pure and thus satisfy a language requirement for invocation inside do concurrent,
  • The network training procedure use do concurrent to expose automatic parallelization opportunities to compilers, and
  • Exploiting multi-image execution to speedup training is under investigation.

To broaden support for the native parallel features, the Fiats contributors also write compiler tests, bug reports, and patches; develop a parallel runtime library (Caffeine); participate in the language standardization process; and provide example inference and training code for exercising and evaluating compilers' automatic parallelization capabilities on processors and accelerators, including Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).

Available optimizers: * Stochastic gradient descent and * Adam (recommended).

Supported network types: * Feed-forward networks and * Residual networks (for inference only).

Supported activation functions: * Sigmoid, * RELU, * GELU, * Swish, and * Step (for inference only).

Please submit a pull request or an issue to add or request other optimizers, network types, or activation functions.

Getting Started

Examples and demonstration applications

The example subdirectory contains demonstrations of several relatively simple use cases. We recommend reviewing the examples to see how to handle basic tasks such as configuring a network training run or reading a neural network and using it to perform inference.

The demo subdirectory contains demonstration applications that depend on Fiats but build separately due to requiring additional prerequisites such as NetCDF and HDF5. The demonstration applications - Train a cloud microphysics model surrogate for the Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR) package, - Perform inference using a pretrained model for aerosol dynamics in the Energy Exascale Earth System (E3SM) package, and - Calculate ICAR cloud microphysics tensor component statistics that provide useful insights for training-data reduction.

Building and Testing

Because this repository supports programming language research, the code exercises new language features in novel ways. We recommend using any compiler's latest release or even building open-source compilers from source. The handy-dandy repository contains scripts capturing steps for building the LLVM compiler suite. The remainder of this section contains commands for building Fiats with a recent Fortran compiler and the Fortran Package Manager ([fpm]).

Supported Compilers

LLVM (flang-new)

With LLVM flang 20 installed in your PATH, build and test Fiats with the installed flang-new symlink in order for fpm to correctly identify the compiler:

fpm test --compiler flang-new --flag "-O3"

With LLVM flang 19, enable the compiler's experimental support for assumed-rank entities:

fpm test --compiler flang-new --flag "-mmlir -allow-assumed-rank -O3"
Experimental: Automatic parallelization of do concurrent on CPUs

With the amd-trunk-dev branch of the ROCm fork of LLVM, automatically parallelize inference calculations inside do concurrent constructs:

fpm run \
  --example concurrent-inferences \
  --compiler flang-new \
  --flag "-mmlir -allow-assumed-rank -O3 -fopenmp -fdo-concurrent-parallel=host" \
  -- --network model.json

where model.json must be a neural network in the JSON format used by Fiats and the companion nexport package.

Automatic parallelization for training neural networks is under development.

Partially Supported Compilers

Fiats release 0.14.0 and earlier support the use of the NAG, GNU, and Intel Fortran compilers. We are corresponding with these compilers' developers about addressing the compiler issues preventing building newer Fiats releases.

NAG (nagfor)
fpm test --compiler nagfor --flag -fpp --profile release
GNU (gfortran)

Compiler bugs related to parameterized derived types currently prevent gfortran from building Fiats versions 0.15.0 or later. Test and build earlier versions of Fiats build with the following command:

fpm test --compiler gfortran --profile release
Intel (ifx)

Compiler bugs related to generic name resolution currently prevent ifx from building Fiats versions 0.15.0 or later. An upcoming release in 2025 is expected to fix these bugs. Test and build earlier versions of Fiats build with the following command:

fpm test --compiler ifx --flag -fpp --profile release
Experimental: Automatic offloading of do concurrent to GPUs

This capability is under development with the goal to facilitate automatic GPU offloading via the following command:

fpm test --compiler ifx --profile release --flag "-fopenmp-target-do-concurrent -qopenmp -fopenmp-targets=spir64 -O3"

Under Development

We are corresponding with the developers of the compiler(s) below about addressing the compiler issues preventing building Fiats.

HPE Cray Compiler Environment (CCE) (

Building with the CCE ftn compiler wrapper requires an additional trivial wrapper. For example, create a file with the following contents and place this file's location in your PATH:


ftn "$@"

Then execute

fpm test --compiler

Configuring a training run

Fiats imports hyperparameters and network configurations to and from JSON files. To see the expected file format, run the [print-training-configuration] example as follows:

% fpm run --example print-training-configuration --compiler gfortran

which should produce output like the following:

Project is up to date
    "hyperparameters": {
        "mini-batches" : 10,
        "learning rate" : 1.5,
        "optimizer" : "adam"
    "network configuration": {
        "skip connections" : false,
        "nodes per layer" : [2,72,2],
        "activation function" : "sigmoid"
    "tensor names": {
        "inputs"  : ["pressure","temperature"],
        "outputs" : ["saturated mixing ratio"]

The Fiats JSON file format is fragile: splitting or combining lines breaks the file reader. Files with added or removed white space or reordered whole objects ("hyperparameters", "network configuration", or "tensor names") should work. A future release will leverage the rojff JSON interface to allow for more flexible file formatting.

Training a neural network

Running the following command will train a neural network to learn the saturated mixing ratio function that is one component of the ICAR SB04 cloud microphysics model (see the saturated_mixing_ratio_m module for an implementation of the involved function):

 fpm run --example learn-saturated-mixing-ratio --compiler gfortran --profile release -- --output-file sat-mix-rat.json

The following is representative output after 3000 epochs:

 Initializing a new network
         Epoch | Cost Function| System_Clock | Nodes per Layer
         1000    0.79896E-04     4.8890      2,4,72,2,1
         2000    0.61259E-04     9.8345      2,4,72,2,1
         3000    0.45270E-04     14.864      2,4,72,2,1

The example program halts execution after reaching a cost-function threshold (which requires millions of epochs) or a maximum number of iterations or if the program detects a file named stop in the source-tree root directory. Before halting, the program will print a table of expected and predicted saturated mixing ratio values across a range of input pressures and temperatures, wherein two the inputs have each been mapped to the unit interval [0,1]. The program also writes the neural network initial condition to initial-network.json and the final (trained) network to the file specified in the above command: sat-mix-rat.json.

Performing inference

Users with a PyTorch model may use nexport to export the model to JSON files that Fiats can read. Examples of performing inference using a neural-network JSON file are in example/concurrent-inferences.



Please see our GitHub Pages site for Hypertext Markup Languge (HTML) documentation generated by [ford] or generate documentation locally by installing ford and executing ford


Please see the doc/uml subdirectory for Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams such as a comprehensive Fiats class diagram with human-readable Mermaid source that renders graphically when opened by browsing to the document on GitHub.

Developer Info

Berkeley Lab