! Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California ! Terms of use are as specified in LICENSE.txt program concurrent_inferences !! This program demonstrates how to read a neural network from a JSON file !! and use the network to perform concurrent inferences. use fiats_m, only : neural_network_t, tensor_t, double_precision, double_precision_string_t, double_precision_file_t use julienne_m, only : string_t, command_line_t, file_t use assert_m, only : assert use iso_fortran_env, only : int64, real64 use omp_lib implicit none type(string_t) network_file_name type(command_line_t) command_line type(neural_network_t) neural_network type(tensor_t), allocatable :: inputs(:,:,:), outputs(:,:,:) integer, parameter :: lat=263, lev=15, lon=317 ! latitudes, levels (elevations), longitudes integer i, num_trials network_file_name = string_t(command_line%flag_value("--network")) if (len(network_file_name%string())==0) then error stop new_line('') // new_line('') & // 'Usage: ' // new_line('') & // ' fpm run --example concurrent-inferences --profile release --flag "-fopenmp" \' // new_line('') & // ' -- --network "<file-name>" \' // new_line('') & // ' [--do-concurrent] [--openmp] [--elemental] [--double-precision] [--trials <integer>]' // new_line('') & // ' where <> indicates user input and [] indicates an optional argument.' // new_line('') end if inputs = random_inputs() allocate(outputs, mold=inputs) associate( & run_do_concurrent => command_line%argument_present(["--do-concurrent" ]), & run_openmp => command_line%argument_present(["--openmp" ]), & run_elemental => command_line%argument_present(["--elemental" ]), & run_double_precision => command_line%argument_present(["--double-precision"]) & ) num_trials = trials() block real(real64) t_dc(num_trials), t_omp(num_trials), t_elem(num_trials), t_dp_dc(num_trials) associate(run_all => merge(.false., .true., any([run_do_concurrent,run_openmp,run_elemental,run_double_precision]))) do i = 1, num_trials if (run_all .or. run_do_concurrent ) t_dc(i) = do_concurrent_time() if (run_all .or. run_openmp ) t_omp(i) = openmp_time() if (run_all .or. run_elemental ) t_elem(i) = elemental_time() if (run_all .or. run_double_precision) t_dp_dc(i) = double_precision_do_concurrent_time() end do print *,"variable mean stdev" if (run_all .or. run_do_concurrent ) call print_stats("t_dc ", t_dc) if (run_all .or. run_openmp ) call print_stats("t_omp ", t_omp) if (run_all .or. run_elemental ) call print_stats("t_elem ", t_elem) if (run_all .or. run_double_precision) call print_stats("t_dp_dc ", t_dp_dc) end associate end block end associate contains subroutine print_stats(label, x) character(len=*), intent(in) :: label real(real64), intent(in) :: x(:) associate(n => size(x)) associate(mean => sum(x)/real(n)) associate(stdev => sum((x-mean)**2)/real(n)) print *, label, mean, stdev end associate end associate end associate end subroutine integer function trials() associate(trials_string => command_line%flag_value("--trials")) if (len(trials_string)==0) then trials = 1 else read(trials_string,*) trials end if end associate end function function random_inputs() real, allocatable :: input_components(:,:,:,:) type(tensor_t), allocatable :: random_inputs(:,:,:) integer i, k, j print *, "Constructing a new neural_network_t object from the file " // network_file_name%string() neural_network = neural_network_t(file_t(network_file_name)) print *,"Defining an array of tensor_t input objects with random normalized components" allocate(random_inputs(lat,lev,lon)) allocate(input_components(lat,lev,lon,neural_network%num_inputs())) call random_number(input_components) do concurrent(i=1:lat, k=1:lev, j=1:lon) random_inputs(i,k,j) = tensor_t(input_components(i,k,j,:)) end do end function real(real64) function do_concurrent_time() integer(int64) t_start, t_finish, clock_rate integer i, k, j print *,"Performing",lat*lev*lon," inferences inside `do concurrent`." call system_clock(t_start, clock_rate) do concurrent(i=1:lat, k=1:lev, j=1:lon) outputs(i,k,j) = neural_network%infer(inputs(i,k,j)) end do call system_clock(t_finish) do_concurrent_time = real(t_finish - t_start, real64)/real(clock_rate, real64) print *,"Elapsed system clock during `do concurrent` inference: ", do_concurrent_time end function real(real64) function openmp_time() integer(int64) t_start, t_finish, clock_rate integer i, k, j print *,"Performing",lat*lev*lon," inferences inside `omp parallel do`." call system_clock(t_start, clock_rate) !$omp parallel do default(none) shared(neural_network,inputs,outputs) collapse(3) do j=1,lon do k=1,lev do i=1,lat outputs(i,k,j) = neural_network%infer(inputs(i,k,j)) end do end do end do call system_clock(t_finish) openmp_time = real(t_finish - t_start, real64)/real(clock_rate, real64) print *,"Elapsed system clock during `OpenMP` inference: ", openmp_time end function real(real64) function elemental_time integer(int64) t_start, t_finish, clock_rate print *,"Performing elemental inferences inside `omp workshare`" call system_clock(t_start, clock_rate) !$omp workshare outputs = neural_network%infer(inputs) !$omp end workshare call system_clock(t_finish) elemental_time = real(t_finish - t_start, real64)/real(clock_rate, real64) print *,"Elapsed system clock during `elemental` inference: ", elemental_time end function real(real64) function double_precision_do_concurrent_time() integer(int64) t_start, t_finish, clock_rate integer i, k, j type(neural_network_t(double_precision)) neural_network type(tensor_t(double_precision)), allocatable :: inputs(:,:,:), outputs(:,:,:) double precision, allocatable :: input_components(:,:,:,:) print *, "Constructing a new neural_network_t object from the file " // network_file_name%string() neural_network = neural_network_t(double_precision_file_t(network_file_name)) print *,"Defining an array of tensor_t input objects with random normalized components" allocate(outputs(lat,lev,lon)) allocate( inputs(lat,lev,lon)) allocate(input_components(lat,lev,lon,neural_network%num_inputs())) call random_number(input_components) do concurrent(i=1:lat, k=1:lev, j=1:lon) inputs(i,k,j) = tensor_t(input_components(i,k,j,:)) end do print *,"Performing double-precision inference inside `do concurrent`" call system_clock(t_start, clock_rate) do concurrent(i=1:lat, k=1:lev, j=1:lon) outputs(i,k,j) = neural_network%infer(inputs(i,k,j)) end do call system_clock(t_finish) double_precision_do_concurrent_time = real(t_finish - t_start, real64)/real(clock_rate, real64) print *,"Elapsed system clock during double precision concurrent inference: ", double_precision_do_concurrent_time end function end program