! Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California ! Terms of use are as specified in LICENSE.txt #include "assert_macros.h" submodule(prif:prif_private_s) allocation_s use iso_c_binding, only: & c_sizeof, & c_f_pointer, & c_f_procpointer, & c_loc, & c_null_funptr implicit none contains module procedure prif_allocate_coarray ! TODO: determining the size of the handle and where the coarray begins ! becomes a bit more complicated if we don't allocate space for ! 15 cobounds integer :: me type(c_ptr) :: whole_block integer(c_ptrdiff_t) :: block_offset integer(c_size_t) :: descriptor_size, total_size type(prif_coarray_descriptor) :: unused type(prif_coarray_descriptor), pointer :: unused2(:) me = current_team%info%this_image if (caf_have_child_teams()) then ! Free the child team space to make sure we have space to allocate the coarray if (me == 1) then call caf_deallocate(current_team%info%heap_mspace, current_team%info%child_heap_info%allocated_memory) end if end if if (me == 1) then descriptor_size = c_sizeof(unused) total_size = descriptor_size + size_in_bytes whole_block = caf_allocate(current_team%info%heap_mspace, total_size) block_offset = as_int(whole_block) - current_team%info%heap_start else block_offset = 0 end if call prif_co_sum(block_offset) if (me /= 1) whole_block = as_c_ptr(current_team%info%heap_start + block_offset) call c_f_pointer(whole_block, coarray_handle%info) call c_f_pointer(whole_block, unused2, [2]) coarray_handle%info%coarray_data = c_loc(unused2(2)) coarray_handle%info%corank = size(lcobounds) coarray_handle%info%coarray_size = size_in_bytes coarray_handle%info%final_func = final_func coarray_handle%info%lcobounds(1:size(lcobounds)) = lcobounds coarray_handle%info%ucobounds(1:size(ucobounds)) = ucobounds call add_to_team_list(coarray_handle) allocated_memory = coarray_handle%info%coarray_data if (caf_have_child_teams()) then call caf_establish_child_heap end if call_assert(coarray_handle_check(coarray_handle)) end procedure module procedure prif_allocate allocated_memory = caf_allocate(non_symmetric_heap_mspace, size_in_bytes) end procedure module procedure prif_deallocate_coarray ! gfortran is yelling that this isn't valid for bind(C) ! https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=113338 ! abstract interface ! subroutine coarray_cleanup_i(handle, stat, errmsg) bind(C) ! import c_int, prif_coarray_handle ! implicit none ! type(prif_coarray_handle), pointer, intent(in) :: handle ! integer(c_int), intent(out) :: stat ! character(len=:), intent(out), allocatable :: errmsg ! end subroutine ! end interface integer :: i, num_handles integer(c_int) :: local_stat character(len=:), allocatable :: local_errmsg ! procedure(coarray_cleanup_i), pointer :: coarray_cleanup character(len=*), parameter :: unallocated_message = "Attempted to deallocate unallocated coarray" call prif_sync_all ! Need to ensure we don't deallocate anything till everyone gets here num_handles = size(coarray_handles) if (.not. all([(associated(coarray_handles(i)%info), i = 1, num_handles)])) then if (present(stat)) then stat = 1 ! TODO: decide what our stat codes should be if (present(errmsg)) then errmsg = unallocated_message else if (present(errmsg_alloc)) then errmsg_alloc = unallocated_message end if return else call prif_error_stop(.false._c_bool, stop_code_char=unallocated_message) end if end if call_assert(all(coarray_handle_check(coarray_handles))) ! TODO: invoke finalizers from coarray_handles(:)%info%final_func ! do i = 1, num_handles ! if (coarray_handles(i)%info%final_func /= c_null_funptr) then ! call c_f_procpointer(coarray_handles(i)%info%final_func, coarray_cleanup) ! call coarray_cleanup(coarray_handles(i), local_stat, local_errmsg) ! call prif_co_sum(local_stat) ! Need to be sure it didn't fail on any images ! if (local_stat /= 0) then ! if (present(stat)) then ! stat = local_stat ! if (present(errmsg)) then ! errmsg = local_errmsg ! else if (present(errmsg_alloc)) then ! call move_alloc(local_errmsg, errmsg_alloc) ! end if ! return ! NOTE: We no longer have guarantees that coarrays are in consistent state ! else ! call prif_error_stop(.false._c_bool, stop_code_char=local_errmsg) ! end if ! end if ! end if ! end do do i = 1, num_handles call remove_from_team_list(coarray_handles(i)) if (current_team%info%this_image == 1) & call caf_deallocate(current_team%info%heap_mspace, c_loc(coarray_handles(i)%info)) end do if (present(stat)) stat = 0 if (caf_have_child_teams()) then ! reclaim any free space possible for the child teams to use if (current_team%info%this_image == 1) then call caf_deallocate(current_team%info%heap_mspace, current_team%info%child_heap_info%allocated_memory) end if call caf_establish_child_heap end if end procedure module procedure prif_deallocate call caf_deallocate(non_symmetric_heap_mspace, mem) end procedure subroutine add_to_team_list(coarray_handle) type(prif_coarray_handle), intent(in) :: coarray_handle if (associated(current_team%info%coarrays)) then current_team%info%coarrays%previous_handle = c_loc(coarray_handle%info) coarray_handle%info%next_handle = c_loc(current_team%info%coarrays) end if current_team%info%coarrays => coarray_handle%info end subroutine subroutine remove_from_team_list(coarray_handle) type(prif_coarray_handle), intent(in) :: coarray_handle type(prif_coarray_descriptor), pointer :: tmp_data if (& .not.c_associated(coarray_handle%info%previous_handle) & .and. .not.c_associated(coarray_handle%info%next_handle)) then nullify(current_team%info%coarrays) return end if if (c_associated(coarray_handle%info%previous_handle)) then call c_f_pointer(coarray_handle%info%previous_handle, tmp_data) tmp_data%next_handle = coarray_handle%info%next_handle else call c_f_pointer(coarray_handle%info%next_handle, current_team%info%coarrays) end if if (c_associated(coarray_handle%info%next_handle)) then call c_f_pointer(coarray_handle%info%next_handle, tmp_data) tmp_data%previous_handle = coarray_handle%info%previous_handle end if end subroutine end submodule allocation_s