! Copyright (c), The Regents of the University of California ! Terms of use are as specified in LICENSE.txt #include "assert_macros.h" submodule(prif) prif_private_s use assert_m use iso_c_binding, only: c_associated implicit none type(team_data), target :: initial_team type(prif_team_type) :: current_team type(c_ptr) :: non_symmetric_heap_mspace interface ! ________ Program initiation and finalization ___________ subroutine caf_caffeinate( & symmetric_heap, & symmetric_heap_start, & symmetric_heap_size, & non_symmetric_heap, & initial_team) & bind(C) import c_ptr, c_intptr_t implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: symmetric_heap integer(c_intptr_t), intent(out) :: symmetric_heap_start, symmetric_heap_size type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: non_symmetric_heap type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: initial_team end subroutine subroutine caf_decaffeinate(exit_code) bind(C) !! void c_decaffeinate(); import c_int implicit none integer(c_int), value :: exit_code end subroutine pure subroutine caf_fatal_error(str) bind(C) !! void caf_fatal_error( const CFI_cdesc_t* Fstr ) use iso_c_binding, only : c_char implicit none character(kind=c_char,len=:), pointer, intent(in) :: str end subroutine ! _________________ Image enumeration ____________________ function caf_this_image(gex_team) bind(C) !! int caf_this_image(gex_TM_t gex_team); import c_ptr, c_int implicit none type(c_ptr), value :: gex_team integer(c_int) caf_this_image end function pure function caf_num_images(gex_team) bind(C) !! int caf_num_images(gex_TM_t gex_team); import c_ptr, c_int implicit none type(c_ptr), value :: gex_team integer(c_int) caf_num_images end function ! _________________ Memory allocation ____________________ function caf_allocate(mspace, bytes) result(ptr) bind(c) import c_size_t, c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: mspace integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: bytes type(c_ptr) :: ptr end function subroutine caf_allocate_remaining(mspace, allocated_space, allocated_size) bind(c) import c_size_t, c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: mspace type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: allocated_space integer(c_size_t), intent(out) :: allocated_size end subroutine subroutine caf_deallocate(mspace, mem) bind(c) import c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: mspace type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: mem end subroutine subroutine caf_establish_mspace(mspace, mem, mem_size) bind(c) import c_size_t, c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: mspace type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: mem integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: mem_size end subroutine ! ___________________ PRIF Queries ______________________ module function caf_convert_base_addr(addr, image) result(ptr) bind(c) implicit none type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: addr integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: image integer(c_intptr_t) :: ptr end function ! _______________________ Contiguous RMA ____________________________ subroutine caf_put(image, dest, src, size) bind(c) !! void caf_put(int image, intptr_t dest, void* src, size_t size) import c_ptr, c_int, c_intptr_t, c_size_t implicit none integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: image integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in), value :: dest type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: src integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: size end subroutine subroutine caf_get(image, dest, src, size) bind(c) !! void caf_get(int image, void* dest, intptr_t src, size_t size) import c_ptr, c_int, c_intptr_t, c_size_t implicit none integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: image type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: dest integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in), value :: src integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: size end subroutine ! _______________________ Strided RMA ____________________________ subroutine caf_put_strided(dims, image_num, remote_ptr, remote_stride, & current_image_buffer, current_image_stride, & element_size, extent) bind(c) !! void caf_put_strided(int dims, int image_num, !! intptr_t remote_ptr, void* remote_stride, !! void *current_image_buffer, void * current_image_stride, !! size_t element_size, void *extent) import c_ptr, c_int, c_intptr_t, c_size_t implicit none integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: dims integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: image_num integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in), value :: remote_ptr type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: remote_stride type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: current_image_buffer type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: current_image_stride integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: element_size type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: extent end subroutine subroutine caf_get_strided(dims, image_num, remote_ptr, remote_stride, & current_image_buffer, current_image_stride, & element_size, extent) bind(c) !! void caf_get_strided(int dims, int image_num, !! intptr_t remote_ptr, void* remote_stride, !! void *current_image_buffer, void * current_image_stride, !! size_t element_size, void *extent) import c_ptr, c_int, c_intptr_t, c_size_t implicit none integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: dims integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: image_num integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in), value :: remote_ptr type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: remote_stride type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: current_image_buffer type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: current_image_stride integer(c_size_t), intent(in), value :: element_size type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: extent end subroutine ! __________________ SYNC Statements _____________________ subroutine caf_sync_memory() bind(C) !! void caf_sync_memory(); end subroutine subroutine caf_sync_all() bind(C) !! void caf_sync_all(); end subroutine subroutine caf_sync_team(team) bind(C) !! void caf_sync_team(gex_TM_t team); import c_ptr implicit none type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine ! ______________ Collective Subroutines __________________ subroutine caf_co_broadcast(a, source_image, Nelem, team) bind(C) !! void c_co_broadcast(CFI_cdesc_t * a_desc, int source_image, int num_elements, gex_TM_t team); import c_int, c_ptr implicit none type(*) a(..) integer(c_int), value :: source_image, Nelem type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine subroutine caf_co_reduce(a, result_image, num_elements, Coll_ReduceSub, client_data, team) bind(C) !! void caf_co_reduce(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc, int result_image, int num_elements, gex_Coll_ReduceFn_t* user_op, void* client_data) import c_int, c_ptr, c_size_t, c_funptr implicit none type(*) a(..) integer(c_int), value :: result_image type(c_ptr), value :: client_data type(c_funptr), value :: Coll_ReduceSub integer(c_size_t), value :: num_elements type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine subroutine caf_co_sum(a, result_image, num_elements, team) bind(C) !! void c_co_sum(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc, int result_image, size_t num_elements, gex_TM_t team); import c_int, c_ptr, c_size_t implicit none type(*) a(..) integer(c_int), value :: result_image integer(c_size_t), value :: num_elements type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine subroutine caf_co_min(a, result_image, num_elements, team) bind(C) !! void c_co_min(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc, int result_image, size_t num_elements, gex_TM_t team); import c_int, c_ptr, c_size_t implicit none type(*) a(..) integer(c_int), value :: result_image integer(c_size_t), value :: num_elements type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine subroutine caf_co_max(a, result_image, num_elements, team) bind(C) !! void c_co_max(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc, int result_image, size_t num_elements, gex_TM_t team); import c_int, c_ptr, c_size_t implicit none type(*) a(..) integer(c_int), value :: result_image integer(c_size_t), value :: num_elements type(c_ptr), value :: team end subroutine logical(c_bool) pure function caf_same_cfi_type(a, b) bind(C) !! bool caf_same_cfi_type(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc, CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc); import c_bool type(*), intent(in) :: a(..), b(..) end function logical(c_bool) pure function caf_numeric_type(a) bind(C) !! bool caf_numeric_type(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc); import c_bool type(*), intent(in) :: a(..) end function logical(c_bool) pure function caf_is_f_string(a) bind(C) !! bool caf_is_f_string(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc); import c_bool type(*), intent(in) :: a(..) end function pure function caf_elem_len(a) result(a_elem_len) bind(C) !! size_t caf_elem_len(CFI_cdesc_t* a_desc); import c_size_t type(*), intent(in) :: a(..) integer(c_size_t), target :: a_elem_len end function subroutine caf_form_team(current_team, new_team, team_number, new_index) bind(C) !! void caf_form_team(gex_TM_t* current_team, gex_TM_t* new_team, int64_t team_number, int new_index); import c_ptr, c_int, c_int64_t type(c_ptr), intent(in), value :: current_team type(c_ptr), intent(out) :: new_team integer(c_int64_t), intent(in), value :: team_number integer(c_int), intent(in), value :: new_index end subroutine end interface contains pure function as_int(ptr) type(c_ptr), intent(in) :: ptr integer(c_intptr_t) :: as_int ! the following snippet ensures at compile time that c_ptr and ! c_intptr_t are actually the same size integer, parameter :: int_ptr_check = merge(c_intptr_t, 0, storage_size(ptr) == storage_size(as_int)) integer(int_ptr_check), parameter :: unused = 0_int_ptr_check as_int = transfer(ptr, as_int) end function pure function as_c_ptr(i) integer(c_intptr_t), intent(in) :: i type(c_ptr) :: as_c_ptr as_c_ptr = transfer(i, as_c_ptr) end function subroutine base_pointer(coarray_handle, image_num, ptr) type(prif_coarray_handle), intent(in) :: coarray_handle integer(c_int), intent(in) :: image_num integer(c_intptr_t), intent(out) :: ptr call_assert(coarray_handle_check(coarray_handle)) call_assert_describe(image_num > 0 .and. image_num <= initial_team%num_images, "base_pointer: image_num not within valid range") ptr = caf_convert_base_addr(coarray_handle%info%coarray_data, image_num) end subroutine subroutine unimplemented(proc_name) character(len=*), intent(in) :: proc_name call prif_error_stop(quiet=.false._c_bool, stop_code_char=proc_name // " is not yet implemented") end subroutine pure function optional_value(var) result(c_val) integer, intent(in), optional :: var integer(c_int) c_val if (present(var)) then c_val = var else c_val = 0_c_int end if end function ! verify state invariants for a coarray_handle ! Note this function validates invariants with deliberately UNconditional assertions ! Suggested caller usage for conditional validation is: ! call_assert(coarray_handle_check(coarray_handle)) elemental impure function coarray_handle_check(coarray_handle) result(result_) implicit none type(prif_coarray_handle), intent(in) :: coarray_handle logical :: result_ integer(c_int) :: i call assert_always(associated(coarray_handle%info), "unassociated info pointer in prif_coarray_handle") associate(info => coarray_handle%info) call assert_always(info%corank >= 1, "invalid corank in prif_coarray_handle") call assert_always(info%corank <= size(info%ucobounds), "invalid corank in prif_coarray_handle") call assert_always(all([(info%lcobounds(i) <= info%ucobounds(i), i = 1, info%corank)]), & "invalid cobounds in prif_coarray_handle") call assert_always(info%coarray_size > 0, "invalid data size in prif_coarray_handle") call assert_always(c_associated(info%coarray_data), "invalid data pointer in prif_coarray_handle") end associate result_ = .true. end function subroutine caf_establish_child_heap if (current_team%info%this_image == 1) then call caf_allocate_remaining( & current_team%info%heap_mspace, & current_team%info%child_heap_info%allocated_memory, & current_team%info%child_heap_info%size) current_team%info%child_heap_info%offset = & as_int(current_team%info%child_heap_info%allocated_memory) - current_team%info%heap_start end if call prif_co_broadcast(current_team%info%child_heap_info, 1) end subroutine logical function caf_have_child_teams() caf_have_child_teams = associated(current_team%info%child_heap_info) end function end submodule prif_private_s