
This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.

afterburner Source File

 1// Synthesizes to 47 slices and 1 MULT18X18 at 166 MHz in XC3Sxxx-4 using XST-9.2.04i
 2//  Use parameter triple instead of preprocessor variable AFTERBURNER_TRIPLE
 3//  User port coeff instead of parameter coeff
 4// If the port coeff is set to a constant value, should synthesize identically
 5// There is a latency of 3 clock cycles (??)
 6// Note: The output of the module is Offset Binary
 7// [It is perhaps stupid to have that here and it should be moved into another module]
 9// CONCEPT: The mid point along the circle of a of 2 complex numbers that already lie
10//          on a circle is not a plain average. To obtain the (real/imaginary) component
11//          of this mid-point one has to multiply by what is called "coeff"
12//          k = 0.5*sec(theta) .. where theta is the angle between the complex numbers
14`timescale 1ns / 1ns
15module afterburner(
16     input clk,  // timespec 6.0 ns
17     input signed [16:0] data,  // This is level set data [.. a_n1, a_n2 ..]
18     input signed [15:0] coeff, // Coefficient to correct for  interpolation
19     output [15:0] data_out0,   // Interpolated [coeff*[..(a_n1+a_n2), (a_n2+a_n3),..]]
20     output [15:0] data_out1    // Untouched    [.. a_n1, a_n2 ..]
23parameter triple=0;
25// concept:  a1  k*(a1+a2)  a2  k*(a2+a3)  a3  ...
26// where k = 0.5*sec(theta) = 0.5*sec(2*pi*11/28) = -0.63952
27// to handle 55 MHz output at 70 MHz clk (140 MS/s data rate to DAC)
29// num = 2  % or 8 for L-band
30// den = 11
31// coeff = floor(32768*0.5*sec(pi*num/den)+0.5)
32// 19476  % or -25019 for L-band
34reg signed [17:0] avg=0;
35reg signed [16:0] data1=0, data2=0, data3=0, data4=0;
36wire signed [16:0] thru = triple ? data4 : data3;
37reg signed [33:0] prod=0;
38reg signed [15:0] sat=0;
39always @(posedge clk) begin
40     data1 <= data;
41     data2 <= data1;
42     data3 <= data2;
43     data4 <= data3;
44     avg <= data + (triple ? data3 : data1);
45     prod <= avg * coeff;  // scale by 32768
46     sat <= (~(|prod[33:31]) | (&prod[33:31])) ? prod[31:16] : {prod[33],{15{~prod[33]}}};
49// send offset binary to DAC (someone else needs to instantiate the DDR output cells)
50assign data_out0 = ({~sat[15], sat[14:0]});
51assign data_out1 = ({~thru[16], thru[15:1]});