This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
Bedrock Modules
In the DSP directory you can find various various digital signal processing algorithms implemented in platform-independent (portable) Verilog, and their test benches; modules include DDS, Down-conversion, Up-conversion, CIC Filters, Low-Pass filters, High-Pass filters, Mixers.
- afterburner
- async_to_sync_reset_shift
- banyan
- banyan_mem
- biquad
- ccfilt
- cic_interp
- cic_multichannel
- cic_simple_us
- cic_wave_recorder
- cim_12x
- circle_buf
- circle_buf_serial
- complex_freq
- complex_freq_wrap
- complex_mul
- complex_mul_flat
- cordic_mux
- cpxmul_fullspeed
- data_xdomain
- demand_gpt
- double_inte
- double_inte_smp
- doublediff
- doublediff1
- dpram
- DSP Digaree Module
- evr_ts_cdc
- fchan_subset
- fdownconvert
- fifo
- fiq_interp
- flag_xdomain
- flevel_set
- freq_count
- fwashout
- half_filt
- host_averager
- iirFilter
- interp1
- iq_chain4
- iq_deinterleaver
- iq_deinterleaver_multichannel
- iq_double_inte
- iq_inter
- iq_intrp4
- iq_mixer_multichannel
- iq_modulator
- iq_trace
- isqrt
- ll_prop
- lpass1
- minmax
- mixer
- mon_2chan
- mon_2chiq
- mon_chans
- multi_counter
- multi_sampler
- multiply_accumulate
- pdetect
- ph_acc
- phase_diff
- phaset
- phasex
- reg_delay
- rot_dds
- rr_arb
- RTSIM Module
- sat_add
- saturateMath
- serialize
- serializer_multichannel
- shortfifo
- ssb_out
- tgen
- timestamp
- tt800
- upconv
- xy_pi_clip