This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
Welcome to Bedrock’s documentation!
This document is the user’s manual of Bedrock, largely an accumulation of Verilog codebase written over the past several years at LBNL. It contains platform-independent Verilog, and whatever it takes to get it onto FPGA platforms like Xilinx etc. The public development mirror is the Bedrock Github Repository.
- General Docs
- Docs
- badger README
- doc README
- badger mem_gate
- badger status
- bmb7_kintex README
- zest README
- build-tools cdc_snitch
- build-tools makefile
- build-tools newad
- dsp README
- xilinx README
- guidelines rtl_guidelines
- localbus README
- localbus jit_rad
- i2cbridge README
- idelay_scanner README
- common README
- comms_top README
- bmb7_cu README
- marble_family README
- test_marble_family README
- i2c README
- rtsim README
- chitchat README
- chitchat chitchat_txrx_wrap
- picorv32 README
- badger_lwip README
- lb_bridge README
- Docs
- Bedrock Modules
- afterburner
- async_to_sync_reset_shift
- banyan
- banyan_mem
- biquad
- ccfilt
- cic_interp
- cic_multichannel
- cic_simple_us
- cic_wave_recorder
- cim_12x
- circle_buf
- circle_buf_serial
- complex_freq
- complex_freq_wrap
- complex_mul
- complex_mul_flat
- cordic_mux
- cpxmul_fullspeed
- data_xdomain
- demand_gpt
- double_inte
- double_inte_smp
- doublediff
- doublediff1
- dpram
- DSP Digaree Module
- evr_ts_cdc
- fchan_subset
- fdownconvert
- fifo
- fiq_interp
- flag_xdomain
- flevel_set
- freq_count
- fwashout
- half_filt
- host_averager
- iirFilter
- interp1
- iq_chain4
- iq_deinterleaver
- iq_deinterleaver_multichannel
- iq_double_inte
- iq_inter
- iq_intrp4
- iq_mixer_multichannel
- iq_modulator
- iq_trace
- isqrt
- ll_prop
- lpass1
- minmax
- mixer
- mon_2chan
- mon_2chiq
- mon_chans
- multi_counter
- multi_sampler
- multiply_accumulate
- pdetect
- ph_acc
- phase_diff
- phaset
- phasex
- reg_delay
- rot_dds
- rr_arb
- RTSIM Module
- sat_add
- saturateMath
- serialize
- serializer_multichannel
- shortfifo
- ssb_out
- tgen
- timestamp
- tt800
- upconv
- xy_pi_clip
- RTSIM Module
- DSP Digaree Module