This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
i2cbridge README
Yet another I2C (really TWI) bridge/controller/interface
Larry Doolittle, LBNL, August 2018
Primary goals
When the FPGA boots, it should be able to send a batch of configuration writes to one or more I2C busses, without external help.
After boot, it should go into a polling loop, reading out status and making it available via a convenient dual-port-memory interface to a host (local or network-based).
A host (local or network-based) should be able to modify existing or create new command strings to send to the I2C busses.
Collect bus activity traces to let people diagnose bus behavior
Be small enough to be ignored in the resource accounting of an SoC
As of February 2020, it appears to meet all these goals.
The expected interface to the rest of your chip design is i2c_chunk. This is a single-clock-domain design (input clk).
Parameter tick_scale controls the bus timing, default value is 6. One I2C bit time is (clk period) * 14 * 2^(tick_scale). With 125 MHz clock, that yields 7.168 uS, for a bus bit rate of 140 kHz.
Parameter initial_file allows loading a program at synthesis time. Default value of “” (empty string) means no load; otherwise provide a filename suitable for use with Verilog $readmemh().
Local bus ports:
12-bit lb_addr
8-bit lb_din
8-bit lb_dout
The 4 kByte local bus memory is subdivided into quarters:
0x000 - 0x3ff program
0x400 - 0x7ff logic analyzer
0x800 - 0xbff results
0xc00 - 0xfff result buffer in progress (not meant for host access)
See below for more discussion of the sequence (program) that is held in that first section of memory.
Auxiliary control and status:
input run_cmd
input freeze
output run_stat
output updated
output err_flag
Hardware tie-in:
output scl
output sda_drive
input sda_sense
output hw_config (Can be used to select between I2C busses)
The scl port should drive the SCL pin directly. The SDA pin is open-collector style, and requires three-state hardware that is not universally considered part of synthesizable Verilog. The sda_drive pin has the same polarity as the final SDA pin, so a low value should cause pull-down (tri-state enable with value 0). The sda_sense port passes the logic value of the I/O pin back to this module.
Using the hw_config output to select between multiple I2C busses is possible (and has been hardware-tested) but complicates handling of the scl and sda pins. The value of hw_config is set by the hw instruction, described below.
When running, a typical instruction sequence will fill one half of the output ping-pong buffer, and then request an atomic swap so that new data is accessible from the host side (bf command, see below). This buffer flip request is willfully ignored if the freeze bit is set by the host. This supports a guaranteed-self-consistent readout paradigm that should be used by the host:
Set freeze bit
Read out buffer
Clear freeze bit
The idea is that this operation will be quick compared to the polling cycle, and is permitted to happen at any time. This assumes there are negligible consequences of dropping an occasional buffer of data; new data will arrive shortly anyway.
The host can optimize this process somewhat by checking the updated bit, and only reading data out when it is set. The updated flag is cleared as a side effect of clearing the freeze bit.
Whether or not an initial program was set up at synthesis time with initial_file, new programs can be tested as follows:
de-assert run_cmd
wait for run_stat to read back 0
write a new program into addresses 0x000 - 0x3fff
assert run_cmd
A simplified block diagram of i2c_chunk.v is shown above, It is annotated, to possibly be useful as a top-level introduction to the code. That svg file was converted from an xcircuit file blocks.eps. If you’d rather look at it as a PDF, “make blocks.pdf”.
- Current synthesis result in Spartan-6 using ISE 14.7:
197 LUT/FF pairs and 2 x 16K BRAM, compatible with clocks up to 200 MHz.
Extensively hardware-tested on Artix-7/Vivado at 125 MHz, as part of a much larger design.
Workstation requirements
Standard *nix tools, Icarus Verilog, gtkwave, GhostScript. At some point you’ll also need chip-specific synthesis, place, and route for the full chip that will instantiate this module.
To exercise some simple regression tests, just do “make”. To exercise the logic-analyzer part, “make a2trace_view”. Makefile targets can also give you waveform views of the internal states: i2c_bit_view, i2c_prog_view, i2c_analyze_view, and i2c_chunk_view.
There is some python code in here that acts as an assembler for
the instruction sequence that gets loaded into i2cbridge to control
the I2C operations (see
A low-level programming interface is provided by class i2c_assem
while a higher-level object-oriented interface is provided by the
class I2CAssembler
. The API of the latter is a superset of the
former with as few changes as possible to the common function set.
The higher-level interface attempts to catch common gotchas inherent
with the low-level interface as well as alternate functions for
working with explicit address values or address indices (multiples
of 32). See
for a demo of the low-level interface and
for a demo of the high-level interface. Also, see
the Makefile targets ‘map.*’ for the various flavours of register
memory maps that can be generated automatically.
Instruction encoding:
3-bits opcode
5-bits numeric parameter n
000 oo special
001 rd read
010 wr write
011 wx write followed by repeated start
100 p1 pause (ticks are 8 bit times)
101 p2 pause (ticks are 256 bit times)
110 jp jump
111 sx set result address
000 00000 zz sleep
000 00010 bf result buffer flip
000 00011 ta trigger logic analyzer
000 1xxxx hw hardware bus select/configure
The jump command jumps to the address constructed as {n, 5’b0}, thus can reach the whole 10-bit address space reach with granularity of 32 bytes.
wr and wx instructions are followed by n words of data. A rd instruction is followed by only 1 data word (the device address); the remaining n-1 words are all sent as high bits on the i2c bus, allowing the data coming back from the slave to be read and posted to result memory.
The alert Makefile reader will observe that the instruction sequence fed to the test bench is created by a python program, This program includes a built-in assembler that encapsulates the instruction encoding shown above.
Other notes
The I2C czars would be unhappy that this code doesn’t handle clock stretching or multi-mastering. So officially this should be called TWI (two-wire interface) instead. But it’s intended for use with commonly available I2C peripherals, including SFP modules, and none of the chips I’ve encountered actually use those exotic features.
To do
Better design of assembler: integrate readout decoder
Write more and better documentation
Add more features to i2c_prog: skip if interrupt
Add more features to analyzer: commands, reset, interrupt
Wishbone and/or AXI bridge?
See design.txt for a longer story.