This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
picorv32 README
An open-source system on a chip based on the PicoRV32 softcore.
Tested hardware platforms
Digilent Cmod A7
Xilinx KC705 + FMC150
Xilinx VC707 + FMC120
Marblemini + Zest
Projects at LBNL
Advanced Light Source digital Low-Level-RF Control System
DOE Early Career Research Program: Scalable Control for Coherent Laser Combining
Tools needed
Cross compiling tools
Tested in Debian 11:
sudo apt install iverilog gtkwave gcc-riscv64-unknown-elf picolibc-riscv64-unknown-elf
Tested in MacOS 12.1:
Equivalent to step 3 (RiscV tool chain) in litex installation:
pip3 install meson ninja
, unpack and add binary directory toPATH
.build and install
following its building instructions: .. code-block:: bashmkdir -p /usr/local/picolibc git clone cd picolibc mkdir build-riscv64-unknown-elf cd build-riscv64-unknown-elf ../do-riscv-configure ninja ninja install
Synthesis tool
Xilinx Vivado (tested between 2015.3 to 2017.4, 2018.1, 2018.3, 2020.2) suite
System simulation
Each feature is independently tested under test/
directory with a PASS/FAIL
check using iverilog
Each project has a system level test bench system_tb.v
. Use make system.vcd
to generate waveforms that are viewable using gtkwave
Peripheral support
SPI master (hardware)
I2C master (software)
One wire (software)
UART (hardware)
GPIO (hardware)
Xilinx AXI-lite bus bridge
Implemented using picorv32_axi_adapter
as used in vc707_fmc120
LBNL localbus bridge
LBNL localbus is a non-blocking bus that is typically controlled by UDP
Ethernet engine. When it comes to the case where a CPU wants to play as a
master as well, one has to deal with conflicts between the two masters
without lost of information. The philosophy is to put localbus top priority
because that picorv32
is capable of handling retries and yields. This is
done by gateware/lb_bridge.v
Details see simulations in test/lb_bridge
, where all read/write
collision cases are tested.
System synthesize
Within each project directory, use make
to synthesize a bitstream file.
FPGA config
Use make system_config
to program the FPGA with a bitstream file, using xc3sprog
Digilent Adept2, which is available from
Reload CPU program without re-synthesizing
Once the core is running, it launches into a serial bootloader program. From there, a new firmware can be quickly loaded and verified with make system_load
For KC705/VC707, UART CTS pin is used to remote hardware reset;
For all cases, writing 0x14 (Ctrl+T) to UART will trigger software cpu reset and start from bootloader.
Memory size
Currently the program is stored in fpga block-ram.
Its size can be adjusted (in bytes) in the Makefile with the parameter MEM_SIZE
in each project.
This gets passed to the linker (to print memory utilization), assembler (to set the C stack-pointer) and synthesizer (to set the size of the block-ram segment).
Getting started
running all the testbenches
cd test
make clean all
the demo project
cd project/cmod_a7
Simulate it (needs iverilog). Note that the Makefile will compile the C program automatically and generate a 32 bit .hex file which is loaded by system.v in memory. The testbench contains a virtual UART, which receives serial data from system.v and prints it to the console.
make clean system.vcd
Show waveforms
make clean system_view
make clean system_synth.bit
Configure FPGA with bit-file (needs xc3sprog).
make system_config
At this point the demo-program should run and it should be possible to interact with it through serial at 115200 baud. For example through, assuming the usb serial port appears at /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
The serial bootloader can be used to change the program (stored in ram) quickly without the need to re-synthesize.
make clean system_load