This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
accumulated += ((constant * signal) >>> downscale) + correction
Multiply a constant K to input signal and accumulate the result on enable.
Notice downscale, this is meant to downscale the input into the accumulator
Useful in times of high “natural” integration gain: like running with a superconducting cavity
correction comes from some externally-supplied feedforward, maybe derived from the previous pulse

Name |
Min |
Max |
Default |
Description |
CW |
? |
? |
17 |
KW |
? |
? |
18 |
Constant Width |
SW |
? |
? |
18 |
Signal Width |
OW |
? |
? |
21 |
OutputWidth: Desired bitwidth of the accumulator |
Signal |
Direction |
Description |
clk |
Input |
reset |
Input |
enable |
Input |
correction[CW-1:0] |
Input |
downscale[3:0] |
Input |
constant[KW-1:0] |
Input |
signal[SW-1:0] |
Input |
accumulated[OW-1:0] |
Output |
Implementation and use
The portable Verilog implementation can be found in multiply_accumulate Source File
Timing Diagram
A GTKWave-generated timing diagram is shown below: