This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
Synthesizes to 17 slices at 155 MHz in XC3Sxxx-4 using XST-10.1i
Transform a raw phase difference (-pi to pi) into a control signal
for a PLL. Uses internal state to generate the right full-scale
DC signal when the frequencies are mismatched. In the final,
locked-at-zero-phase state, the output equals the input.
Subtle API change from old pdetect: when strobe_in is not set,
the output follows the input exactly.
Yet another API change: new input “reset”, only used when strobe_in
is set, resets the state machine to unwound.

Name |
Min |
Max |
Default |
Description |
w |
? |
? |
17 |
Signal |
Direction |
Description |
clk |
Input |
ang_in[w-1:0] |
Input |
strobe_in |
Input |
reset |
Input |
ang_out[w-1:0] |
Output |
strobe_out |
Output |
Implementation and use
The portable Verilog implementation can be found in pdetect Source File