This documentation is a work in progress. Expect to see errors and unfinished things.
Synthesizes to 47 slices and 1 MULT18X18 at 166 MHz in XC3Sxxx-4 using XST-9.2.04i
Use parameter triple instead of preprocessor variable AFTERBURNER_TRIPLE
User port coeff instead of parameter coeff
If the port coeff is set to a constant value, should synthesize identically
There is a latency of 3 clock cycles (??)
Note: The output of the module is Offset Binary
[It is perhaps stupid to have that here and it should be moved into another module]
CONCEPT: The mid point along the circle of a of 2 complex numbers that already lie
on a circle is not a plain average. To obtain the (real/imaginary) component
of this mid-point one has to multiply by what is called “coeff”
k = 0.5*sec(theta) .. where theta is the angle between the complex numbers

Name |
Min |
Max |
Default |
Description |
triple |
? |
? |
0 |
Signal |
Direction |
Description |
clk |
Input |
timespec 6.0 ns |
data[16:0] |
Input |
This is level set data [.. a_n1, a_n2 ..] |
coeff[15:0] |
Input |
Coefficient to correct for interpolation |
data_out0[15:0] |
Output |
Interpolated [coeff*[..(a_n1+a_n2), (a_n2+a_n3),..]] |
data_out1[15:0] |
Output |
Untouched [.. a_n1, a_n2 ..] |
Implementation and use
The portable Verilog implementation can be found in afterburner Source File
Timing Diagram
A GTKWave-generated timing diagram is shown below: